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Analisis kuantitatif natrium benzoat pada kecap kedelai manis produksi lokal di kota Padang dengan metode spektrofotometri ultraviolet-visible telah dilakukan. Sampel kecap diekstraksi menggunakan pelarut dietil eter kemudian ekstrak diidentifikasi dengan reaksi esterifikasi, reaksi warna dan uji nyala. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketiga sampel kecap kedelai manis positif terdapat pengawet asam benzoat. Penetapan kadar pengawet asam benzoat ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri ultraviolet-visible pada max 271,6 nm. Dari hasil pengukuran didapatlah kadar natrium benzoat sampel A 982 mg/kg, sampel B 960 mg/kg dan sampel C 914 mg/kg dan penggunaan pengawet asam benzoat pada sampel tidak melebihi batas maksimum penggunaan menurut BPOM RI No. 36 Tahun 2013 yaitu 1000 mg/kg bahan.

Kata Kunci: Pengawet Benzoat, Kecap Manis, Spektrofotometri Ultraviolet-visibel

Quantitative analysis of sodium benzoate from soybean sweet sauces in Padang city with ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry method has been studied. The samples were extracted with diethyl ether, and identified by using esterification reaction, colour reaction and flame test. The result of this study showed three samples positive contained benzoic acid. The determination of benzoic acid preservative concentration was determined by using ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometric method at max 271.6 nm. The contents of benzoic acid were sample A 982 mg/kg, sample B 960 mg/kg and sample C 914 mg/kg. In this study preservatives in the sample did not exceed the threshold that have been stipulated in BPOM RI No. 36, 2013 is 1000 mg/kg.

Keywords: Preservative benzoate, Soy Sauce, Spectrophotometry Ultraviolet-visible.

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