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Description of Vibrio sp. on The River Water Village Sungai Danau
Satui District March 2017

Putri Kartika Sari(1), Galih Puji Guntara (1), Dewi Ramadhani(1)

Health Analyst Academy of Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Kelapa Sawit 8 St. Bumi Berkat No. 1 Phone. (0511) 7672224 Banjarbaru South Borneo 70714
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Vibrio sp. is one of the bacteria that is often found on the surface of water contaminated with feces containing the bacteria. Vibrio sp. including bekteri Gram-negative, rod-shaped curved like a comma and can move because they have a single flagellum. River located in the Sungai Danau village used by residents to meet their daily needs and around the river visible latrines are still in use. This study aims to determine the presence or absence of contamination and determine the percentage of Vibrio sp. the river water. River water samples taken with Stratified Random Sampling and shared some point that is a natural source (upstream), sources of pollution (middle), and resource utilization (downstream) were tested using culture methods. The results in this study indicate the point of natural resources (upstream) did not reveal any Vibrio sp. the contamination percentage of 0%. Meanwhile, at the point source polluters (middle) and resource utilization (downstream) was found two samples of the Vibrio sp. the species Vibrio cholerae with contamination percentage of 22% of the total of 9 samples of river water. Suggested for citizens who are around the river do not use the water for their daily needs because of polluted water in their utilization must pass through processing or if used directly can impact on health.

Keywords: Water River, Diarrhea, Sungai Danau, Vibrio sp.

(1) Health Analyst Academy of Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru

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