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Sectio Caesarea (SC) is one of childbirth pass through the abdomen’s wall and uterus which still intach with fetal weight>1000 gr. Blood loss during SC’s action cause decreased hemoglobin’s concentration inside mother’s body). This research purposed is to know comparison level of hemoglobin before and after (SC) of pregnant mother in Dr. H. Moch, Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin Hospital period March-April 2015. This research using analytic survey method and comparative study approach. The target population research is 42 pregnant mother who perform childbirth. Hemoglobin levels inside blood measured by using hematology analyzer tool. The Average value of hemoglobin level before SC’s action is 10,736 g/dl and hemoglobin level average after SC’s action is
9,698 g/dl. As for statistic result test paired sample T-Test towards 42 pregnant mother patient who perform childbirth with SC’s action showed that there is
significant differences between hemoglobin level before and after SC’s action
with significant value for 0,000<0,05 (Ho : Rejected), conclude that the decreasing hemoglobin level happens before and after childbirth with SC’s action
with the average difference in decrease is 1,0381 g/dl and showed a significant
differences between hemoglobin level after and before SC’s.)

Keyword : Hemoglobin Level, sectio caesarea (SC), pregnant mother

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