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Corelation of Personal Hygiene Towards Tinea unguium Infection on Farmers Toe-nails in the Kelurahan Kebun Sari Districts Amuntai Middle

Rezki Amalia(1), Rifqoh(2), Dian Nurmansyah(1)

Health Analyst Academy of Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Kelapa Sawit 8 St. Bumi Berkat No. 1 Phone. (0511) 7672224 Banjarbaru South Borneo 70714


The incident about fungi’s infection can be found in the one of tropic country as Indonesia which has hot climate, humid and also support with unperfect hygiene. One of fungi’s infection we can often find is Tinea Unguium. Tinea unguium is an toe-nails distrofi incident causes by dermatofita’s fungi, its attack distal section as yellow sketch on the nail plate, then after long time all the section of the nail turned thick, change its color, and also brittle. The purpose of the research to know the corelation of personal hygiene toward Tinea unguium infection on the farmers toe-nails in Keluarahan Kebun Sari Kecamatan Amuntai Tengah. This research is using analytic method survey result and cross sectional approach. The sample will takes by purpose sampling method with 44 farmers in field. Fungi’s checked will done by microscopic with 40% KOH and found makrokonidia, mikronidia with the shape like the dropping water along hifa (Trycophytyon sp). Statistic analyzed that used in this research is Chi-Square α=0.05 SPSS software 18 analysis. The result of this research 70% of responden with good personal hygiene and 61% of farmers nail in Kelurahan Kebun Sari Kecamatan Amuntai tengah field has infected by Tinea unguium. The result of this research found the significant corelation between personal hygiene toward Tinea unguium infection with asymp, sig is 0,006 or probability under 0,05 (0,006 < 0,05). The worker who susceptibles by Tinea unguium infection should keeping its personal hygiene to avoid primer infection or recurred infection. We are expecting for another researcher to continue the next research about the corelation environment sanitation towards Tinea unguium.

Keyword : personal hygiene, Tinea unguium infection, farmers

(1) Health Anayst Academy of Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru
(2) Jurusan Analis Kesehatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin

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